Oprócz protestów ulicznych, między innymi na placu madryckim Puerta del Sol oraz na placa Catalunya w Barcelonie, utworzono obozy/miasteczka. Obóz zbudowany z namiotów i kartonów funkcjonuje sprawnie i jest samowystarczalny ( i przechodzi przez inspekcje sanitarne), punkty dystrybucji jedzenia, książek, toalety.
Na dzień przed najważniejszym meczem sezonu, finale Champions, władze w Barcelonie chciały oczyścić pl. Catalunya i usunąć tymczasowo obóz protestujących. Interwencja mossos d’esquadra (lokalnej policji katalońskiej) była pierwszym starciem z użyciem siły wobec demonstrantów. Przemoc wobec ruchu 15-M podsyciła jeszcze bardziej gorącą atmosferę protestów.
Dziś, 14 dni po rozpoczęciu protestów, nie widać końca ruchu.
Ciekawy artykuł w Dużym Formacie.
More demonstrations in Spain. This time, the protesters don’t represent any group, profession or political party in particular, they even have different political views. What they have in common is a strong disagree with the situation in their country, injustice, rising unemployment, corruption in politics and injustice. 20% of the Spaniards are unemployed, many young people can’t get a job, there are already 1,3 million families in which nobody has a job. The protesters want a change and they want it now. It all started on May 15th , just few days before local elections, that’s why the 15-M movement. Another name they are given is “indignados”, which means indignant, which come from the book of Stephane Hessel book Time for Outrage! (French title "Indignez-vous!" ) where he calls young people to rebel. The book was published in Spain in March, hundreds of thousands of Spaniards already bought it, much more downloaded it, and we didn’t have to wait for long to see them act. Thanks to Facebook, Twitter and other community portals thousands of Spaniards gathered in major 50 cities and demonstrated their lack of faith in politics. The facebook page Democracia Real Ya (True Democracy Now) has already 399.486 fans. On the website http://www.democraciarealya.es/ you can read the official manifesto of the movement (English version available too), you can find out where and when further demonstrations are held (next one is on 19th June), you can discover local blogs, in other words, everything that is related to the 15-M movement.
In addition to protesting on the streets, on major squares in the country, as Puerta del Sol in Madrid, or Placa Catalunya in Barcelona, protestors “built” camps. Dozens of tents, cartoon houses forms a self-sufficient town: distribution points of food or books, toilets (acampamentos passed health inspections).
The day before the most important game of the season, the final of the Champions, the catalan authorities wanted to clean the placa Catalunya and remove temporarily the camp of the protesters. Intervention of mossos d’esquadra (local Catalan police) was the first police clash in which the force was used against demonstrators. The violence against the “indignados” heated up even more the atmosphere of the protests.
Today, 14 days after the 15-M movement appeared, the end of the protests is not in sight.
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